Lecture in honor of Bedřich Neumann
Honorary Lecture - Friday, September 15, 2017
Treating children is the most joyful activity in dentistry –
it is no work, it is a blessing
When I received the Dr.h.c. from the Medical Faculty of Athens – Greece – in 1996, I was asked to give a lecture of 45 minutes without any slide!! The very good thing was that I had to think and to get together my thoughts and memories of 30 years of teaching Ortho and Pedo concentrating on happy memories and events or situations that would keep the audience awake! Well from that material I will take about 1/3 of my time. The to other 2/3 will be clinical topics such as “Orthopedics is great, why wait until 6 ?” and “What’s left after 20-30 years out of treatment? and may be „Cases you only treat once in a lifetime” to “Autotransplantations 20 years later”.